Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Last Saturday the San Bernardino County Museum hosted the "Insectival". My son can't get enough info on bugs. He has numerous books that we read over and over. He is always digging in the yard looking for new little critters. He recently caught his first cricket of the season. It helps that we live in a great place for bug hunting.

Unfortunately, I am deathly afraid of pretty much any kind of bug. I have tried to put on a brave face for my son, but he'll probably see through my rouse sooner or later. And it doesn't help that we live in a desert with some pretty knarly looking insects!

I still remember the day my son, about 2, brought his first bug to me, sticking it in my face and asking, "What's this?" I didn't bother responding to the question, instead cringing and pointing to the door, "Outside! Bugs stay outside!" After my initial wave of panic subsided, I calmly explained to Ira that our home did not welcome pests. He has been pretty good obeying this rule.

So when my sister phoned and told me about the Insectival I knew Ira would love to go. We also brought Ira's friend Kennedy. She is also a bug lover. We had a great time! Ira got to hold several bugs--a tarantula, walking stick, millipede, snail, mealworms and madagascar hissing cockroach. Emma repeated her no touch policy when it came to touching the bugs, but was dying to hold a small boa snake (they let the kids touch, but not hold it, and she loved touching it). Of course, now my son wants his very own pet bug (over my dead body). The closest he will get is the crickets and other insects he catches and keeps in his little bug cage outside.

1 comment:

Elder Esplin said...

Little Ira is so funny! I could never hold those nasty things. What a fun time for him though!