So I need to write a post of our trip to Northern Idaho and the swimming party we had today, but first I had to write this post, if only so I can remember this moment when my children are grown.
About three weeks ago I bought a sheet of stickers for each child at the Dollar Tree--Emma had sparkly sea creatures and Ira had sparkly robot alien things (totally up Ira's alley). Then I printed a coloring picture for each off the computer--Emma's had sea creatures, Ira's had an alien landscape. They had a great time coloring and then decorating the pages with their stickers.
Well, today Mark and I were cleaning and I decided that they had enjoyed these pictures for long enough and threw away Emma's picture (Ira's had already been disposed of earlier). A little while later I was in the laundry room and overheard the following conversation in the kitchen:
Emma: Daddy, why is my picture in the trash can?!
Daddy: Gosh, it must have accidentally blown into the trash can, huh?
Emma: You don't belong in there, silly picture!
Daddy: That's right, what a silly picture! Here you go.
I could not stop laughing. It was probably even more hilarious considering Ira, only a few days earlier, discovered I had thrown away his broken nerf gun (sand had clogged it). He took it out and said, "Mom, you didn't know I still wanted this." "But it's broken," I try to explain. "I can still pretend that it shoots!"
Yes, my children are dumpster divers.