Monday, May 28, 2007

Church Music

I have mentioned previously that my son loves tractors. He also LOVES music. Many of my friends find it quite amusing when he spontaneously bursts into song. It could be "Row, Row, Row Your Boat", "Where Has My Little Dog Gone" or "I've been Working on the Railroad" just to name a few. So it is no surprise that my son's favorite part of our main church meeting is the hymns.

Unfortunately, my son doesn't know the words to most of the church hymns. A few weeks ago I began to notice that my son was singing more than "oohs" and "ahs" during the hymn. He was actually inventing words of his own. And what words would be more appropriate in church than names of tractors? That's right, in the middle of a hymn I would hear o/~ "Aaah, Bulldozer! BullDOooOZEEEER!" o/~ So those of you who attend church with us and read this blog now know why my husband and I are snickering through the hymns. We mean no disrespect, we just can't help ourselves.

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